Greenhaugh Gardens

Greenhaugh Gardens were developed over 40 years and surround a colonial homestead built in 1874 in Palmerston North. Mature trees give the two-hectare property its bones, while ponds and naturalised plantings add whimsy.

On one side of the garden box-hedges rein in the Austin and old roses which with perennials and self-seeding annuals are the backdrop of a central French fountain. A pergola, clad with wisteria, rambling roses and clematis leads through a tapestry of bearded iris.  And, from there, the garden visitor is naturally led from one vista to another.

The garden also features the ‘creek bed’, Mediterranean gardens, a woody grove and a bank of vibrant cannas. Everywhere you go you will find irises. The garden holds the heritage collection of Ron Busch’s Irwell irises- a legacy continued.