Guided Tongariro Alpine Crossing – Suggested Addition

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing track ventures between Mt Tongariro and Mt Ngauruhoe in the Tongariro National Park. These volcanoes are still active and the hike is a view into their growth and destruction. Mt Tongariro last erupted from Te Maari Crater in 2012 and Mt Ngauruhoe’s last was in 1975.

The landscape on Mt Tongariro is peppered with craters that have been active at different periods. The track leads through the perfectly flat moonscape of South Crater; climbs to the edge of Red Crater; skirts around Central Crater; and then leads down past the steaming Te Maari Crater. There are scoured volcanic rocks, lava flows frozen in time, mountain springs and brightly coloured emerald lakes. No matter what the weather, this is a hike of a lifetime.  Your guide will ensure you are well informed throughout the walk and is there to support and assist you on the journey.

Summer offers a majestic landscape with rich colours and varying textures released from within the Earth’s Crust. In summer this track can get busy and where possible, with this guided hike you get taken away from the busy areas while making sure that the popular sights are still experienced.  This is a 19km full day experience.