Totara Estate near Oamaru

A historic farm situated in beautiful North Otago countryside, Totara Estate played a significant role in the making of today’s New Zealand. With a farming history dating back to the 1850s, the estate pioneered the freezing and export of meat to England in the 1880s. Today its restored buildings offer a window into farming in Victorian times.

A downturn in wool prices and nationwide over-supply of sheep meat saw the farm pioneer the use of new steam-powered freezing technology in Aotearoa. This opened up the opportunity to send meat to the other side of the world. And the first shipment of frozen mutton made a three-month journey to England in 1882. This launched an industry that brought prosperity to Totara Estate and well beyond.

Today the wonderfully restored buildings visitors can see are Utilitarian but made of beautiful Oamaru stone. They stand as a tribute to the toil and determination of the early pioneers.  You can wander through the men’s quarters, stables, granary, cookhouse and slaughterhouse, where displays recollect farm and domestic life on the estate during Victorian times.

Hear stories of swaggers, farm hands, the Chinese cook and a cartoonist. Eavesdrop on the slaughter men as they finish their backbreaking workday.  Join in with farm activities. Feed the sheep. Dress up in Victorian costumes or play old-fashioned games. Walk up to Brydone Monument, taking in views of patchwork fields and the distant Kakanui Range. Lots to do for visitors of all ages!