Lake Waikaremoana

Lake Waikaremoana is the “gateway to Te Urewera”, a mountainous region of stunning views and rainforest, and home of the Tūhoe people. Geologists believe that 2200 years ago a colossal landslide of huge sandstone slabs, 8km wide long and 4km wide, blocked the course of the Waikaretaheke River to form the lake.

The lake is large and deep, plunging to depths of up to 256 metres. A petrified forest sits under the water, submerged as the lake slowly filled up over a decade.

The stunning views at Lake Waikaremoana are out of this world and a “must-see”. This area is beautiful and rugged. It is home to every North Island native bird species and ancient beech and podocarp forest.

There is a huge selection of local short walks and day trips. Tracks take you to higher peaks, spectacular waterfalls, beaches, natural caves, and lookouts.  And multi-day hiking adventures aboune. Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk, one of ten ‘Great Walks’ of New Zealand, is also popular with hikers.